My name is Wulan Kusuma Wardani. You can call me wulan. I was born at 7 July 2001. I live in Senam Indah v no.5 Arcamanik. I have one brother, his name is Ferdian Pratama Putra. He's 19 years old. He's 4 year older than me. So he's in a collage now, while I'm still at senior high school. My hobby is listening to the music and read some books. Some of my book is a novel because I liked to read that. My favorite colour is blue. I'm a student of 3 senior high school. My brother used to be a student there too. Well you know it's quite funny because my brother and I always have the same school since elementary school until now. I studied at Priangan elementary school, then 5 junior high school, and now in 3 senior high school.
About my parents, they not really strict about me but they have some rule for me and my brother. As for me because I'm a girl so I have to be on time at home. Sometimes my mom mad at me when I don't tell her if I'm going to be late.So if i'm going to be late at home because of something I have to tell her immediately so she won't be worried. Aside of that I can't sleep late. I have to sleep at least at 9 o'clock or she'll come to my room and tell me to sleep. As about my relationship, she say I have to be opened to her, she really hate it if I lie. Actually I can't have a boyfriend for now because my mom say I have to focus on my study first but when in a collage I have to get one because that's the right time. Even when I have a boyfriend later there'll be some rule too. Lots of rule I know but hey she's my mom and I love her and I believe she do all that things because she has a good reason for it and she want the best for me. There's a moment when I have a boyfriend and I didin't tell her but when she knew about it she's not really upset with me but maybe a bit dissapointed. Let me tell you the story. One day when i have a boyfriend, he gave me a chocolate and I'm happy about it but I don't dare to tell my mom because I'm afraid she'll be angry with me, so when she asked me who give that, I tell her that's my friend who give it. Of course she's okay about it because she didin't know the truth. Well that's not the only time he gave me a 'gift'. Even after that he still give me something but now it's a cookie. How sweet right!!. But this time I ate it at school. Why I don't do it at home? well because first I'm afraid of my mom and second I don't want to lie to her again. If I ate the cookie at school she doesn't know about it so she won't asked me 'who give it?'. But I know slowly my mom will know about my secret. Why I'm saying that? because that's what happened to me. Someone reveal my secret. When I was on a school trip, my mom take me to school. She met her friend that accidentally she's the mother of my friend who know about my secret. From that she know about it but she didin't mad at me. She just give me an advice and from that on I don't have any till now.